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Referendum in Kyrgyzstan: Tekebayev calls on to campaign for parliamentarism

The leader of Ata Meken political party, Omurbek Tekebayev, appealed to his associates and urged them to campaign for a parliamentary form of government. He wrote about it on Facebook.

“Ата Мекен” партиясынын мучолору бугунку Кыргыз Республикасы жаралган кундон баштап, мамлекеттуулук, эркиндик, адам...

Опубликовано Омурбеком Текебаевым Четверг, 17 декабря 2020 г.

According to him, the plebiscite scheduled for January 10, 2021 is to be held in violation of the norms of the Constitution and current laws. At the same time, Omurbek Tekebayev urged the party members not only to vote for the parliamentary form of government, but also to agitate other citizens.

«Early presidential elections will be held on the same day. There was a discussion among party members whom of the candidates to support, but we did not come to a common opinion. Therefore, the party announced free choice of each member, but we urge, when choosing one or another candidate, not to forget about the ideological principles of the party,» Omurbek Tekebayev said.

Voters are offered to choose the form of government in the Kyrgyz Republic:

  • Presidential republic,
  • Parliamentary republic,
  • None of the above.