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Kyrgyzstanis win 3 medals at International Shooting Tournament

Kyrgyzstanis won three medals at the International Bullet Shooting Tournament. The State Agency for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The tournament was held in Shymkent (Kazakhstan). It was dedicated to the memory of the USSR Master of Sports Vladimir Pochivalov. More than 200 shooters from Kazakhstan, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan participated in it.

Kyrgyzstan was represented by 11 athletes. Askat Tokmokov won a silver medal in shooting at 10 meters from a pneumatic pistol. Baktygul Makhmadova won a silver medal in the same discipline among women. Anastasia Shchukovskaya won a bronze medal in shooting at 10 meters from an air rifle.