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Almazbek Atambayev appeals to Constitutional Chamber for protection

The Constitutional Chamber of Kyrgyzstan has taken the application of SDPK lawyers on recognizing the rule, which prohibits former presidents of the country from engaging in politics, contrary to the Basic Law for consideration. Representative of the interests of the party Nurbek Kasymbekov told 24.kg news agency.

Another application from the lawyers of the former head of state was also submitted to the Constitutional Chamber.

They believe that the inviolability of Almazbek Atambayev, even under the condition that the Parliament deprived him of the ex-president status, is inalienable, that is, absolute, and cannot be lifted. Therefore, it is impossible to bring Atambayev to criminal responsibility, since this is contrary to the Constitution.

«The law is not retroactive. At the time of execution of the presidential duties by Almazbek Atambayev, the law dated July 18, 2003 was in effect. According to it, the former head of state has absolute immunity,» Nurbek Kasymbekov explained.

The third statement on the unconstitutionality of the parliament’s decree on the establishment of a special commission, which has filed charges against Atambayev, will be considered by the Constitutional Chamber in the fall.
