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Parliament deprives Almazbek Atambayev of status of ex-president

Almazbek Atambayev was deprived of the status of ex-president of Kyrgyzstan. The decision was made today at a meeting of the Parliament.

At least 103 deputies out of 109 present voted for, 6 — against.

A special deputy commission on lifting the immunity of the ex-President Almazbek Atambayev completed its work and sent its results to Prosecutor General’s Office.

In their report, parliament members brought six charges against the former head of state: unlawful release of the kingpin Aziz Batukaev, corruption, political persecution, involvement in coal supplies to Bishkek HPP, lobbying for the interests of TBEA Chinese company during modernization of the HPP, and illegal receipt of a land plot in Koi-Tash village.

The Prosecutor General’s Office supported five of them — political persecution fact was excluded. The conclusion of the Prosecutor General was unanimously approved by the Committee on the Rule of Law, Fight against Crime and Combating Corruption of the Parliament.
