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President tells why he not to withdraw claims to Zanoza

Kyrgyzstan's President Almazbek Atambayev told at a news conference why he would not withdraw his lawsuits against Zanoza. He stated this, responding to a question by 24.kg news agency.

The head of state was offered to recall his request in 2011 «to give at least two or three years for work." The journalists complied with the request. Now the president was asked to recall this and withdraw his claims to Zanoza. However, the head of state does not agree.

As for Zanoza, I looked at suits by myself. Why do we win in courts? Because they are not journalists, they are slanderers. They must be held responsible. Even when I leave the post, I will still be suing with such newspapers. Multimillion claims? These are not suits for them. I know who is behind them.

Almazbek Atambayev

«If you are a journalist, it does not give you the right to slander and throw mud regularly. I am the person who has experienced this. Some human rights activists write that Atambayev is a maniac who wants to take vengeance on for the death of his mother and brother. Yes, my mother died after she saw program, where her son was announced an enemy of the people. My brother died because I was always muddied," Almazbek Atambayev said.

«If you speak for slanderers, it demonstrates your level. When we raise slanderers, politicians arise, do what they want. It’s disgusting. The first and the fourth power must be afraid of God. We should be honest!» he summed up.