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President Sadyr Japarov receives delegation from French Senate

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov received a delegation of the Senate of France, led by the head of the Friendship Group France — Central Asia Hervé Maurey. The press service of the head of state reported.

The parties exchanged views on Kyrgyzstan-France bilateral relations in political, investment, energy, cultural and humanitarian spheres, as well as prospects for cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism development.

The head of state noted that Kyrgyzstan attaches great importance to strengthening comprehensive cooperation with France, which is one of the priorities of the country’s foreign policy in the western direction. Sadyr Japarov stressed that strengthening inter-parliamentary ties, including through the organization of mutual visits and meetings of parliament members, plays an important role in the development of political dialogue between the countries.

The President welcomed the intentions of French senators to visit Naryn, Karakol, Jyrgalan and Issyk-Kul lake during their visit to Kyrgyzstan.

Sadyr Japarov also informed the representatives of the French Senate about the domestic political situation in Kyrgyzstan and socio-economic achievements over the past three years.

Head of the Friendship Group France — Central Asia Hervé Maurey highly appreciated the positive changes in the socio-economic development of Kyrgyzstan, improvement of the welfare of the population. He emphasized the readiness of the French Senate to support the efforts of Kyrgyzstan’s leadership, including those aimed at further strengthening cooperation between France and Kyrgyzstan.

Hervé Maurey noted that this visit is one of the results of the efforts of the parties aimed at deepening bilateral relations in the political dimension.

In conclusion, the parties confirmed their readiness to contribute to the expansion of relations between Kyrgyzstan and France.