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Commission created to find causes of breakdown at Bishkek HPP

An interdepartmental commission was created to find the causes of the emergency situation at the Bishkek Heating and Power Plant (HPP). The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Ministers Bakyt Torobaev was appointed chairman of the commission.

The interdepartmental commission was tasked with:

  • Ensuring coordination of urgent measures to restore and provide heat supply to the residents of Bishkek in the next 24 hours;
  • Finding the causes of the emergency situation at the HPP and, based on their analysis, develop a list of urgent tasks for the stable completion of the autumn-winter period 2023/2024 within a month;
  • Proposing measures to prevent a similar situation in the future, including proposals for the reconstruction and restoration of the main equipment of the HPP, including the development of a feasibility study for its complete modernization, and proposals for the decentralization of the heat supply system in Bishkek, taking into account the construction of local thermal power plants and boiler houses;
  • Making proposals on taking measures against those responsible for the emergency situation at the Bishkek HPP.

In addition, the interdepartmental commission was allowed to involve responsible employees of state bodies, local governments, joint-stock companies and independent experts in its work, and to request materials necessary for its work.

The breakdown occurred at the Bishkek heating and power plant (HPP) on February 2. Causes of the explosion are not yet known. Five people were injured, three of them were hospitalized. Schools and kindergartens in the capital switched to online classes. The supply of heat and hot water in Bishkek was partially restored by the evening of February 2.