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Bishkek hosts conference on combating terrorism

The first CIS conference on combating terrorism and extremism is being held at the Ala-Archa state residence.

Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) Kamchybek Tashiev, opening the event, noted that Kyrgyzstan, as one of the founding states of the CIS, took an active part in the creation of a new platform, the purpose of which is to exchange best practices, knowledge on countering modern challenges and threats, developing common measures, strengthening mutual trust and regional security and the development of constructive relations and friendship between countries.

According to him, the unstable situation in Afghanistan and Syria contributes to the intensification of ideological, recruitment and propaganda activities of international terrorist and extremist organizations. This poses a serious threat.

«Terror has no nationality, gender or age and brings universal destruction and chaos. Kyrgyzstan is actively fighting terrorism, but I believe that unification with other countries will give a good impetus,» Kamchybek Tashiev said.

He added that the Kyrgyz Republic has developed a state program to counter terrorism and extremism, which reflects challenges and threats, forms goals and objectives, and provides for an algorithm for joint actions of both government bodies and the entire society.

The conference is attended by representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of the countries that are members of the SCO — India, Iran, China, Pakistan and Mongolia, which is an observer country to the SCO.