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President of Kyrgyzstan makes speech at Sustainable Development Goals Summit

«The UN Sustainable Development Goals are the basis of the country’s state policy and are incorporated into the long-term national development strategy of Kyrgyzstan,» the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov said, speaking at the summit on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.

According to him, the 2030 Agenda is the best roadmap to a peaceful, healthy and safe life for today’s and future generations.

The head of state said that Kyrgyzstan adopted the UN Framework Program for Cooperation on SDGs for 2023-2027, a two-year joint work plan and comprehensive national mechanisms for financing the SDGs, and established a High Council for the implementation of the SDGs.

«I am pleased to note that, according to the recently published UN Sustainable Development Report, Kyrgyzstan has made significant progress in realizing the goals, ranking 45th out of 166 UN member states. We will strive to be among the top 30 countries by 2030,» he stressed.

Sadyr Japarov stated: despite the fact that half of the established term for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda has been passed, it is necessary to realize that we are still far from achieving most of the goals. He focused the attention of the summit participants on the key areas for the implementation of the SDGs.

«First, Kyrgyzstan had made remarkable progress in poverty reduction before the COVID-19 pandemic. But with the onset of the coronavirus outbreak, the overall poverty rate increased from 20 percent in 2019 to 25 percent in 2020. To put poverty dynamics back on a downward path, strengthening a social safety system based on equity and inclusion is fundamental for us. The republic seeks a comprehensive transformation of the education system by ensuring equal access, improving its quality and financing. Access to quality education will provide the necessary useful skills for employment and decent work,» the president said.

Kyrgyzstan is determined to achieve a green economy, he also said. Green financing for small and medium-sized businesses will be expanded, and active participation in business by women and people with disabilities will be ensured.

We will take effective measures to overcome the digital gap.

Sadyr Japarov

He promised that the government would pay close attention and efforts to the issues of increasing the sustainability of mountain regions, preserving biodiversity, rational water management, and expanding access to renewable energy.

The President stated that Kyrgyzstan is subject to the negative impact of climate change. Further melting of glaciers and declining water resources could exacerbate food insecurity in the region, accelerating poverty, migration and inequality.

«To conserve glaciers and mountain ecosystems, we advocate for separate targeted funding for the most vulnerable developing mountain countries by creating a special fund under the UN for climate change adaptation programs, swapping foreign debt for environmental projects. We do not stop there and remain committed to the further realization of the SDGs. We stand in solidarity with UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, who believes that the SDGs are a kaleidoscope of hopes that can be combined to find the best combination,» he added.
