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World Nomad Games: Kyrgyzstan wins 58 medals

The IV World Nomad Games ended in the Turkish Iznik town. The team of Kyrgyzstan won 58 medals: 16 gold, 17 silver and 25 bronze. Press service of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports reported.

The country was represented by 148 athletes in 14 national sports.

Kok boru and alysh (belt wrestling) were included in the official program of the Games from Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyz athletes showed good results in both disciplines. The national team of the republic in kok boru defeated the team of Kazakhstan with a score 5-0. In addition, the athletes won a silver in the final competitions in kokparu, losing one point to the Kazakhstan’s team. The game ended with the score 4-3.

Kyrgyz wrestlers won 19 medals in belt wrestling, in alysh (freestyle) — 10 medals. In total, Kyrgyz athletes competed in six more types of wrestling and won 10 medals.

The IV World Nomad Games started on September 29. More than 3,000 athletes from 102 countries took part in them.