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Emergencies Ministry specialists find over 40 landslide hazard areas

There are 44 landslide hazard areas in Kyrgyzstan to date. The Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

According to the press service of the ministry, preventive descent of earth mass will begin in these areas to prevent natural disasters. But first the experts will study the potentially hazardous areas.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations noted that this method of prevention of natural disasters is used for the first time in Kyrgyzstan. The project is financed by the Asian Development Bank. About $39,000 is allocated.

Earlier, the ministry noted that there are 4,554 landslide-prone sites in Kyrgyzstan. At least 1,186 of them are located near settlements and pose a threat to them. Most of these sites are located in Osh and Jalal-Abad regions.