USD 86.45
EUR 92.47
RUB 1.00

Price of potatoes grows by 5 soms for a month in Kyrgyzstan

Over the past month, price of potatoes has grown by 5.17 soms in Kyrgyzstan. The National Statistical Committee provided such data.

If at the beginning of October potatoes cost an average of 29.93 soms, then in November their price reached 35.1 soms. Most of all, potatoes rose in price in Karakol (by 12.4 soms), Toktogul (by 10 soms) and Bishkek (by 6.15 soms).

At the same time, the highest prices for potatoes were registered in Toktogul (40 soms), Kara-Suu (37.52 soms) and Uzgen (36.99 soms). The lowest prices were registered in Chaek village (25 soms), as well as in Talas (28.04 soms) and Tokmak (29.97 soms).