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Babanov, Jeenbekov, Zulpukarov: SCNS head about defendants in Kumtor case

All former officials involved in corruption cases, including those related to Kumtor project, will be prosecuted. The Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan Kamchybek Tashiev told at a press conference.

Answering the question about participation of Akylbek Japarov (former deputy of the Parliament, now the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers — Minister of Economy and Finance. — Note of 24.kg news agency) in the 2009 agreement with the Canadian company Centerra, Kamchybek Tashiev noted that this document does not contain signatures of the current official.

«If it is legally established that Akylbek Japarov signed something or was involved in the case together with these corrupt officials, we will prosecute him. If Akylbek Japarov’s guilt is established, the State Committee for National Security will not spare him,» Kamchybek Tashiev said.

According to him, all officials, regardless of rank and merit, involved in corruption crimes, will be punished.

«You yourself know that ex-Prime Minister Omurbek Babanov is currently in prison. Nobody thought that someone would put Omurbek Babanov in prison, they could not even imagine it. Everyone thought no one could touch him. And we did it because there are specific episodes on corruption cases. There are specific episodes involving Asylbek Jeenbekov (ex-speaker of Parliament, younger brother of former president Sooronbai Jeenbekov. — Note of 24.kg news agency). Everyone also thought that nobody could touch Asylbek Jeenbekov. We jailed him too. Zulpukarov was imprisoned and others. If we establish the involvement of Akylbek Japarov in one or another corruption case on Kumtor, he will also be brought to justice,» Kamchybek Tashiev promised.