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Third wave of COVID-19: Resuscitation and intensive therapy units are full

Resuscitation and intensive therapy units in Bishkek clinics are full. Head of the Emergency Medicine Center Iskender Shayakhmetov told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, in general, there are places in hospitals, but free beds are quickly filled. «However, judging by the number of calls to the ambulance service, I cannot say that the number of cases is breaking records,» Iskender Shayakhmetov explained.

We ourselves are at a loss where such catastrophic figures come from in today’s statistics and why there is such a large gap between the regions. For example, we had 609 calls and 151 people were hospitalized yesterday.

Iskender Shayakhmetov

He added that new places are being created in the hospitals. But the military hospital is already full.

Officials admitted earlier that the third wave of coronavirus had begun in the country. Since March 2020, at least 125,003 cases of community-acquired pneumonia and COVID-19 have been registered in the republic. The data on the number of new cases of coronavirus as of June 30 turned out to be the highest since the beginning of the pandemic.