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UN to allocate $ 25 million to Kyrgyzstan to cope with post-COVID-19 crisis

The United Nations and Kyrgyzstan issued a joint statement.

The Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic notes that the statement confirms the UN’s support for the people of the country during the period of challenges to maintain peace, stability and development, assisting in sustainable, comprehensive and long-term recovery in the context of the deteriorating socio-economic situation and elimination of the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic.

The Kyrgyz government and the UN have decided on a close partnership in response to the challenges.

The UN will continue to implement strategies for sustainable recovery to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda with a focus on engaging the most vulnerable groups of the population. Support from the organization will be anchored in the United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2017-2022, the Voluntary National Review, and other agreements and arrangements that may be mutually agreed.

At the same time, it is stressed that the current crisis due to COVID-19 also requires urgent measures. At the time of the release of the joint statement, the UN, in coordination with the government of Kyrgyzstan, is completing development of a program — a roadmap for socio-economic response.

It will provide $ 25 million in comprehensive and specialized assistance to address the aftermath of the crisis.

The program includes 33 different areas of activity to contribute to socio-economic stabilization in five main areas. These measures are aimed at increasing economic resilience, promotion of environmentally sustainable recovery, social cohesion and gender equality. Particular attention will be paid to creating employment opportunities for young people as well as women, strengthening food security and social protection systems, and ensuring access to critically important health services and quality education for all.

The progress of the Kyrgyz Republic in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals must be maintained.

«Kyrgyzstan remains fully committed to all of its international obligations and strict implementation of all previously signed bilateral and multilateral international treaties. The country will continue to implement political and other reforms based on the key provisions of the UN Charter related to peace, security, development, gender equality and human rights,» the statement says.

The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the United Nations agreed to jointly track progress in achieving planned results and detecting emerging opportunities and risks through ongoing assessments and consultations involving a wide range of stakeholders.