USD 86.45
EUR 92.47
RUB 1.00

Places at new municipal market in Osh to be provided free of charge

Places at the municipal market under construction in Osh will be provided to sellers free of charge. The chief specialist of the Department of Economy, Finance and Investments of the City Hall, Erlan Atabayev, told.

He noted that relocation of the market is planned as part of the development of the city.

«Vendors affected by the mudslide and in general all markets inside the city, regardless of the form of ownership, will be relocated outside of Osh in stages. A special commission will be created to place entrepreneurs at the market. It will include employees of the relevant authorities, and interested parties can also join. After the information on the registration of sellers with the Tax Service and permits is clarified, they will be placed at the municipal market free of charge. Places will not be sold,» Erlan Atabayev said.

The new shopping complex under construction is located on Osmonov Street (shopping mall Megapolis). Work is currently underway on the site to prepare the land, provide electricity and install power poles.

After the destructive mudflows in Osh city, it was decided to move the central market, located along Ak-Buura River, to a safe place.
