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Chairman of Cabinet of Ministers visits Issyk-Kul region

Chairman of Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Japarov visited Issyk-Kul region, where he took part in the opening ceremony of a water intake in Cholpon-Ata.

This treatment plant was put into operation in 1986 and has not been repaired since then. But after the reconstruction it started working at full capacity, and there will be no interruptions in drinking water supply in the city.

As part of the project to rehabilitate the water supply system, modern automated equipment was installed and a laboratory was created to test water quality. A liquid reagent is used for water treatment; water storage tanks have been built and reconstructed. Modern equipment for cleaning wells using video cameras was purchased.

The head of the Cabinet also told that 70 objects were financed for 786.3 million soms in 2023 under «Capital Investments» item.

At least 16 schools, 2 kindergartens, 1 community center, 2 hospitals, 6 water supply facilities were built at the expense of the money. In addition, 2 billion soms have been allocated to Karakol.

Construction of the road around Issyk-Kul continues. A park was opened in Cholpon-Ata last year.

Akylbek Japarov shared plans for the development of the city’s infrastructure.

In particular, it is planned to build a sewerage system and pumping stations in Cholpon-Ata, Kara-Oi and Bosteri villages, and a new modern system of wastewater treatment facilities in the city.

Pedestrian and bicycle lanes with a length of 15 kilometers along the shore have already appeared in Cholpon-Ata. Cholpon Kyz park was reconstructed and an open-air museum of petroglyphs was created. The plans include the construction of parks named after Alykul Osmonov and Zhenish.

The Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers got acquainted with the renovation of the central Sovetskaya Street and discussed with specialists the project for the reconstruction of Balykchi — Ananyevo — Karakol highway. Repair work will begin after the reconstruction of the sewerage system.

Akylbek Japarov visited Agro-Kush poultry farm in Sary-Kamysh village, Issyk-Kul district. Capacity of the plant for slaughtering and processing poultry meat is up to 6,000 birds per hour.

In 2023, the enterprise received a loan from the State Development Bank and the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund for the development of the agro-industrial complex.