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Farmers can earn 50,000 soms on mobile poultry farm - Bakyt Torobaev

Farmers living in rural areas will have an opportunity to earn more than 50,000 soms per month through a mobile chicken farm. The Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan Bakyt Torobaev said, speaking at an exhibition seminar to increase the potential and improve the financial and social situation of farmers with the development of large and small processing industries in Kyrgyzstan.

Bakyt Torobaev noted that highly productive eggs can be produced фе a mobile poultry farm. One can get an income of at least 50,000 soms per month from 384 chickens on the farm.

According to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, special importance is currently attached to the processing industry to improve the level of the agricultural sector.

«One example of this is the construction of a mobile poultry farm with modern equipment for each village. The average cost of a container is $4,000,» Bakyt Torobaev said.

The heads of district agrarian development departments and state bodies of the ministry are entrusted with a number of tasks and instructions to carry out active work in this direction.