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Earthquake in China: More than 2,000 aftershocks registered

More than 2,000 aftershocks were registered after the earthquake in China near the border with Kyrgyzstan, which occurred on January 28. Kanat Abdrakhmatov, President of the National Academy of Sciences and Director of the Institute of Seismology, posted on Facebook.

He recalled that the earthquake intensity in the epicenter reached magnitude 8-9. It was felt differently in Kyrgyzstan: somewhere magnitude 6, somewhere 3-4.

«But the aftershocks continue. And this worries people. The photo shows that since this earthquake occurred, there have been 2,195 aftershocks of varying strengths. Both their strength and number are decreasing! And this is normal. It happens. And it means nothing except that the earth’s crust continues to lose its energy!» — he wrote.

According to him, after the Suusamyr earthquake in 1992, such tremors continued for about three years.

The earthquake with a magnitude of about 7 in China occurred on January 23 at 00.09. Particularly strong tremors were felt in Jeti-Oguz, Aksy and Tyup districts of Issyk-Kul region. In Bishkek it was felt within magnitude 4-5. It was followed by a series of earthquakes.