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Low-productive agricultural lands to be developed for horticulture

A program for the development of horticulture in Kyrgyzstan for 2024-2028 has been drawn up. The Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan submitted the document for public discussion.

According to the ministry, there are 614,000 hectares of low-productive agricultural land in the country that has not been used for several years. For the purpose of their rational use and introduction into agricultural turnover, a legal basis for cultivation of perennial fruit and berry crops has been created.

The main objectives of the project are to develop the horticultural industry and fruit nurseries; to produce fruit, berry and nut products in sufficient volume to meet the needs of the country’s population; to organize exports of fruit products and strengthen competitiveness in both domestic and foreign markets.

«The development of low-productive agricultural lands contributes to the creation of a raw material base for processing enterprises, increasing the export potential of the republic, increasing the level of employment of the rural population and growth of their income, improving the environmental situation and reducing greenhouse gases emission, as well as slowing down the melting of glaciers, preserving and increasing water reserves,» the Ministry of Agriculture believes.

The program includes measures to create horticultural farms and nurseries, construction of trade and logistics centers and storage facilities for fruit and berry products.