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Relatives of patient attack doctor in Bishkek

Patient’s relatives attacked a doctor in Bishkek. The head of the independent medical trade union Bermet Baryktabasova reported on Facebook.

According to her, the patient was brought without signs of life. He has been in follow-up for a long time.

«The actions of relatives blow my mind. They attacked the medical staff in intensive care unit, shouting «Help.» But they didn’t give an opportunity to help — they pushed the resuscitator away, they didn’t allow cardiopulmonary resuscitation, they started hand-to-hand fight, twisted doctor’s arms, took off their shoes, beat on the head, they kicked all the doctors out of the intensive car. Insults, accusations were heard immediately,» Bermet Baryktabasova said.

She added that the doctors called the police twice. «The policemen came and said that they would not start a criminal case because of the scratches,’» the head of the trade union said.

According to Bermet Baryktabasova, the victim will file a statement to the police.