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Flash mob dedicated to Kyrgyz language takes place in Russia

A flash mob dedicated to the Kyrgyz language was held at the Moscow State Linguistic University. The Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Russia reported.

According to it, the event was timed to coincide with the International Mother Language Day. It was organized by the embassy together with Kyrgyztest.

«Students of the Department of Regional Studies of the Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences of the Moscow State Linguistic University were tested according to the Kyrgyztest system, most of whom got the highest score,» the diplomatic mission noted.

In addition, students studying Kyrgyz as a foreign language demonstrated their knowledge through reading poems by Kyrgyz poets.

The diplomatic mission added that the flash mob dedicated to the state language would continue on February 16-17 in the office of the Embassy in St. Petersburg.

It should be noted that the Chingiz Aitmatov Center for the Kyrgyz Language and Culture was established at the Moscow State Linguistic University in 2003. In 2008, there was the first graduation of students studying the Kyrgyz language as a foreign language.

«The main goal of the center is the high-quality training of highly qualified specialists with knowledge of the Kyrgyz language based on the best traditions of domestic science and education, taking into account modern achievements in these areas, with the involvement of world experience in higher professional education and in demand at the present time,» the university’s website says.