USD 87.45
EUR 90.64
RUB 0.90

845 consumers use unlimited electricity tariff in Kyrgyzstan

As of today, 845 consumers have chosen the unlimited electricity tariff. The National Electric Network of Kyrgyzstan JSC reported.

The highest number of those who want to consume electricity without restrictions are located in Chui region — 697 consumers. The figures in other regions are modest. At least 15 consumers use the unlimited tariff in Talas region, in Issyk-Kul region — 20, in Naryn region — 11, in Osh region — 47, in Batken region — 14 and in Jalal-Abad region — 41.

By the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers in Kyrgyzstan, a new group of consumers «Population using electricity without limit of consumption and power» (Unlimited tariff) has been introduced. In this case, the electricity rate is 5.04 soms from the first consumed kilowatt-hour.
