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Mural on rights and opportunities of women appears in Bishkek

Artists of Basicolors art group created a new mural «Kyiynmyn» in Bishkek, dedicated to the rights and opportunities of women in Kyrgyzstan. The authors themselves reported.

The goal of the project is to motivate women to believe in themselves, not to forget to dream, to seek and find inner strength to move towards their dreams, despite life’s turmoil and everyday difficulties.

The mural depicting a young woman with a child in the background of a kitchen that represents home life, a tablet in her hands, books on natural sciences in the foreground and the words «kyiynmyn» (I can) is located at the intersection of Osmonkul and Kurenkeev Streets.

«The mural is designed to motivate to move towards your dreams, despite the prevailing circumstances, and remember in any life situation that any difficulties can be overcome. At the same time, the project will be a reminder for men of the importance of supporting women’s rights and gender equality as the basis for the sustainable development of the modern society,» the authors noted.

Basicolors is a Bishkek-based art group that creates large-scale murals and socially oriented graffiti in Kyrgyzstan and abroad.