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President Sadyr Japarov signs law on gambling activities

The President of Kyrgyzstan signed the Law on Gambling Activities in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts on Gambling Issues.

They were adopted by the Parliament on June 22, 2022.

As the press service of the head of state explains, the purpose of the laws is to attract additional resources to the state budget by creating favorable conditions for attracting investments.

The law on casinos says that the subjects of gambling activities are legal entities, including foreign ones, that have been registered in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Only legal entities in the form of a limited liability company or a closed joint stock company have the right to engage in gambling activities on the basis of a license issued by an authorized state body for a period of 10 years. Licenses will be issued on a paid basis in the manner determined by the Cabinet of Ministers.

At the same time, a gambling establishment cannot be located in the premises of kindergartens, schools, universities, other educational institutions, medical and religious institutions, cultural institutions, as well as in residential premises.

In addition, the law stipulates that citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, foreign citizens under the age of 21, incapable foreign citizens cannot be clients of gambling establishments.

The Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts on Gambling Activities provides for amendments to the Criminal Code, the Code of Offenses, the Tax Code, the Budget Code, the laws on the Licensing and Permit System in the Kyrgyz Republic, and on Advertising.

The basic rate for one gambling table in 2022 will be 750,000 soms, in 2023 — 1 million soms, from 2024 — 1,250 million soms for the tax period — one calendar month.