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COVID-19: Kyrgyzstan's mortality rate worsens

Despite the high level of immunity to coronavirus among residents of Kyrgyzstan, they should not relax and refuse wearing of masks. Zuridin Nurmatov, head of the Republican Scientific-Practical Centre for Control of Viral Infections, told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, study shows that almost 90 percent of the population in the republic is immune to COVID-19. «But there are still 10 percent. That is, more than 600,000 citizens do not have antibodies. These are mainly people who are frequently ill and have not been vaccinated. They are a risk group and can get seriously ill if infected. If we look at the official statistics, 10 people get infected and 1-2 die every day in Kyrgyzstan. The lethality rate has grown recently and is even higher than the average global level. Those who die or are hospitalized in intensive care units are elderly and unvaccinated,» Zuridin Nurmatov stressed.

He said it was necessary to step up campaigning for vaccination of the population.

«We should not abandon wearing of masks either. This is linked not only to COVID, but also to influenza and other airborne viral infections. Acute respiratory infections sharply weaken a person’s immunity. That’s why, after any increase in the incidence of influenza or coronavirus, there is a sharp rise in the incidence of pneumonia and an increase in mortality from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases,» Zuridin Nurmatov warned.

He added that coronavirus infects about 1,5 million people worldwide every day. «Therefore, it is too early to calm down,» the center’s head said.