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Israel and Morocco close borders due to new COVID-19 strain

Israel and Morocco have closed borders for two weeks due to the new Omicron coronavirus strain. The Times of Israel reports.

Only those citizens who have received a special invitation from the government commission will be able to enter the country. According to the new rules, Israelis returning from overseas will have to self-isolate for 72 hours and undergo two PCR tests — one immediately upon arrival and the second after the end of the isolation period.

The country detected the first case of infection with the new strain of the virus two days ago, one more case was registered today. According to the local Health Ministry, seven more people with suspected Omicron infection are under observation.

Following Israel, authorities of Morocco have also completely closed borders from November 29, the country’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. «In order to preserve the achievements of Morocco in the fight against the pandemic and to protect the health of citizens, it was decided to suspend all direct passenger flights,» the Foreign Ministry said.

Cases of infection with Omicron strain were registered in Belgium, Great Britain, Germany and Italy.