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ACBC proposes to ban convicted officials from return to civil service

It is necessary to impose a ban on the admission of persons, who have been prosecuted under the articles «Corruption» and «Abuse of power» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, to the state and municipal service. The head of the Anti-Corruption Business Council of Kyrgyzstan Nuripa Mukanova said.

According to her, such officials should not return to public office even if they removed their conviction from official records or are exempted from criminal liability, because they entered into a plea bargain with the investigation and paid the amount of damage caused by corruption crimes to the state.

«Persons dismissed from the state and municipal service due to non-compliance with anti-corruption standards are banned from returning to the state and municipal service. It is also proposed to impose a ban on appointment to positions in the board of directors, governing bodies of JSCs with a state share in the authorized capital, state-owned enterprises,» Nuripa Mukanova said.

The head of the Anti-Corruption Business Council proposes to conduct a psychological test and diagnostics on a polygraph detector (lie detector) for officials. According to her, this is necessary to determine the resilience of a candidate for the civil service to the temptation to commit corruption.