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Air quality in Bishkek can be monitored through mobile app

Air quality in Bishkek can be monitored through AQ.kg mobile application. The environmental organization MoveGreen reported on its Facebook page.

According to it, the application accumulates data from various air quality monitoring sensors installed in the country: MoveGreen sensors on AirKaz.org platform, Clarity Node S sensors of Kyrgyzhydromet, as well as sensors of the Institute for Environmental Solutions PF.

The application displays the main indicators of the concentration of pollutants in the air at the selected post (depending on the configuration).

It is possible to see the concentration level of each substance in μg / m3 and in relation to the maximum permissible concentration on a color scale based on the Air Quality Index (AQI).

In addition to information about the level of pollution by substances, the application also provides information about the temperature and humidity of the air.

So far, the data is presented for Bishkek and Osh cities, but the information in the application will be updated as new monitoring objects are connected.

The application can be downloaded in the Play Market following the link.
