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30 new Isuzu buses to start working in Bishkek on Monday

At least 30 new Isuzu buses will start serving the routes in Bishkek on Monday, October 18. Maksat Nusuvaliev, head of the City Transport Department of the capital’s City Hall, told 24.kg news agency.

He reminded that on May 11, 2021, a memorandum was signed with Eco Passenger Transportation LLC on the supply of 1,000 buses for 2021–2023 on an outsourcing basis. By the end of the year, the company is to deliver 350 Uzbek-made Isuzu buses running on gas. At present, 210 buses have already been delivered, 90 of which serve five routes. Other 60 are currently undergoing customs clearance, 30 are being converted to gas.

At least 30 more buses will start serving 34, 21 and 46 routes on Monday.
