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Kyrgyz artist paints picture about situation in Afghanistan

A well-known in Kyrgyzstan artist Tatyana Zelenskaya dedicated a picture to the events in Afghanistan, posting her work on her Facebook page.

She painted the image of a man-dictator and a woman with a child in her arms, pushed into a corner.

«I work and think about women who now live in hell and will continue to live there without hope for salvation,» the artist wrote.

On August 15, the radical Taliban movement announced full control over the entire territory of Afghanistan. President Ashraf Ghani has stepped down from office. Diplomatic missions of states accredited in Kabul evacuate their citizens. Thousands of refugees are also trying to leave the republic. Governance of Afghanistan was entrusted to a special council, which includes the head of the Supreme Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah and the former president of the country Hamid Karzai.
