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Weather alert: Heat wave expected in Bishkek today

The Agency of Hydrometeorology of Kyrgyzstan issued a storm warning on July 26.

According to forecasters, a significant increase in air temperature is expected in Kyrgyzstan today.

The air will warm up to + 40 degrees in the valley zone of Chui, Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken regions, in the Talas valley — to +39.

In Bishkek, the minimum air temperature at night will be +23-25, the maximum daytime temperature is expected to be + 40 without precipitation.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development reminded that high air temperature is a risk factor for public health.

«This is especially true for the elderly people, pregnant women, children, as well as people suffering from chronic diseases (cardiovascular, pulmonary disorders, diabetes mellitus), as well as patients with coronavirus infection. This is due to excessive losses of fluid and mineral salts by the body — potassium, magnesium and etc. The blood thickens, an additional load on the cardiovascular system appears, the risk of blood clots is possible. Avoid direct sunlight, if possible. It is better to be in the shade or limit your time outside. It is especially hot from 12.00 to 17.00. At this time, the sun’s rays are hotter than usual. Therefore, it is better to stay in a cool room during this period. Use available sun protection — hats, umbrellas. If possible, reduce physical and mental work load during this period of time. Observe the water regime,» the agency reminded.