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Warehouses of private pharmaceutical companies to be checked in Kyrgyzstan

The Vice Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Elvira Surabaldieva got acquainted with the availability of stocks of medicines necessary for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. Press service of the Government reports.

During the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic, there was a shortage of medicines in warehouses in the country, and the state failed to properly prepare for an increase in the number of cases of coronavirus infection for two months of quarantine.

«In addition to state warehouses, we will inspect warehouses of private pharmaceutical companies with the permission of interested parties. There is an emergency supply of medicines to fight the coronavirus. It will be replenished. Measures are being taken to ensure no prices hikes for the most demanded medicines and creation of no artificial demand for them,» Elvira Surabaldieva stressed.

The Vice Prime Minister noted that the issue of providing infectious diseases hospitals with the necessary medicines and personal protective equipment for doctors in the regions was being resolved.

«There is information that the warehouses have the necessary medicines, but they do not reach the doctors who work in the red zones. This issue has been taken under control, any actions directed against the interests of the state and citizens in need of treatment will be severely suppressed,» the Vice Prime Minister concluded.