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Germany to allocate €40 million to Kyrgyzstan for various projects

Germany will provide Kyrgyzstan with a grant of €40.1 million for technical and financial cooperation. The Ministry of Economy reported.

Under the arrangements, €21.1 million from €40.1 million grant will be allocated for technical cooperation projects:

— €3.5 million — for the program of the main direction of cooperation «Sustainable Development of Economy,» component «Assistance to Sustainable Development of Economy»;

— €3.5 million — for the program of the main direction of cooperation «Sustainable Development of Economy,» component «Assistance to Employment and Vocational Education»;

— €4 million — for the program «Perspectives for the Youth»;

— €2 million — for the program «Biological Diversity and Poverty Reduction through Municipal Exploitation of Walnut Forest Plantations and Pastures»;

— €1.5 million — for the program «Rural Development in the South of Kyrgyzstan»;

— €4 million — for the program «Assistance to Perinatal Health Care»;

— €1 million — for the program «Fund for Specialists’ Research Payment»;

— €1.6 million — for the program «Strengthening and Use of Services in Kyrgyzstan Important for Their Quality.»

The remaining €19 million will be provided for the implementation of projects in the framework of financial cooperation:

— €9 million — for the mainstream «Healthcare» program, the component «Sectorial Program for Healthcare 6»;

— €1 million — for the mainstream «Healthcare» program, the component «Sectorial Program for Healthcare 6 — Related Measures»;

— €8.5 million — for «Social Housing Construction» component;

— €0.5 million — for «Social Housing Construction — Related Measures» component.

«It should be stressed that the volume of grant funds allocated through bilateral financial and technical cooperation following the last 2017 intergovernmental negotiations in Berlin amounted to €40.1 million. The total amount of allocated assistance since the beginning of cooperation has reached €340 million,» the Minister of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic Oleg Pankratov said.