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Doctors hold one more rally against optimization in Bishkek

Doctors held one more rally at the Ministry of Health in Bishkek the day before. They protested against optimization of capital’s clinics offered by the ministry.

«The Ministry of Health does not leave us any choice; it forces us to engage in family medicine. We have studied at the Retraining Institute for 3 weeks, and temporary certificates will be issued to us. What kind of specialists will we be? During this time, we haven’t mastered anything, how can we see patients?» the doctors asked.

Medical workers are also dissatisfied with newly proposed payroll system. According to the Ministry of Health, it depends on fulfillment of indicators.

«But the demands are impracticable. Each doctor has to serve 1,500 people. I have to detect pregnant women, patients with hypertension, tuberculosis. We are fighting for a long time, trying to convey it to the officials, but they do not give up the idea of making universal doctors out of us,» said a gynecologist at one of the city polyclinics.

Recall, the Ministry of Health decided to unite the family medicine centers by creating four district FMCs in Bishkek. They will become administrative centers, managing its branches. The ministry stresses that optimization primarily concerns administrative and management personnel. And the doctors ’protest against the reform was compared with organized resistance by the heads of the primary health care departments.