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Economic growth in Kyrgyzstan higher than in other countries of EEU

Economic growth in Kyrgyzstan is higher than in other EEU countries, Economy Minister Artem Novikov said today at a government meeting.

According to him, to improve the investment climate, the government held a number of events. «For the first time the newly opened enterprises are exempted from inspections for 3 years. For processors of agricultural products loans are issued at 6 percent per annum. Since early 2017, 238 units of equipment have been leased,» Artem Novikov said.

He added that the level of economic growth is more than expected by 0.8 percent. «Overall growth is 5 percent. This indicator is one of the highest in the EEU. Only in Armenia it is higher — 5.9 percent. This indicates that the countries of the union are reviving from the crisis,» Artem Novikov said.