USD 87.45
EUR 91.15
RUB 0.88

Hotlines for tourists

Every year, with the onset of the summer, officials have high hopes for the tourist season and even assure that they are working to create comfortable conditions for holidaymakers, beginning from the arrival at the airport.

The main thing that a tourist needs to have at the border crossing is a valid passport. A list of countries for citizens whose visa-free regime has been introduced is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Over 3,000 policemen and 800 volunteer police helpers will be responsible for the safe rest of citizens. But in case of need, you can turn to the helpdesk of the services for help:

— Ambulance — 101;

— Ministry of Emergency Situations — 161; 112;

— Ministry of Internal Affairs — 0 (312) 662331;

— GKNB (State Committee for National Security) — 0 (312) 660020;

— Main Department of patrol police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs — 0 (312) 630900; 0 (312) 630901;

Traffic laws — rules of life

If you travel around Kyrgyzstan by car, it is important to know: drivers — citizens of foreign countries — are brought to administrative responsibility on general grounds for violations of traffic regulations in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

A protocol is drawn up for each violation. You can pay an administrative fine at any time of the day, using payment cards, through POS-terminals that are installed in patrol cars, as well as in banking or post offices.

In the main department of patrol police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provided a list of the main violations of traffic rules and the amount of fines that threaten for non-compliance with the rules.
