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Issue of assigning sovereign credit rating to Kyrgyzstan discussed

A meeting, chaired by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Adylbek Kasymaliev, on the issue of assigning a sovereign credit rating to Kyrgyzstan took place. The Cabinet of Ministers reported.

During the meeting, Adylbek Kasymaliev emphasized the importance of this indicator for the country, noting that the credit rating plays a key role in attracting foreign investment and entering international capital markets.

The meeting participants discussed the action plan and key stages aimed at obtaining the rating. However, the Cabinet of Ministers did not name the specific steps and timeframes that are planned to be taken to obtain it.

Note of 24.kg news agency

A sovereign credit rating is a tool for assessing the state’s readiness to fulfill its financial obligations in a timely manner and in full. In fact, it is an assessment of the probability of default.
