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Baitik Baatyr and Akhunbaev streets to be closed for repairs in Bishkek

Some streets will be closed for repairs in Bishkek from May 18. The press service of the City Hall reported.

Baityk Baatyr Street from Tokombayev Street to Suerkulov Street and Akhunbaev Street from Manas Avenue to Maldybaev Street will be closed.

Asphalt road surface, curbs will be replaced, some sections of the roads will be widened and leveled and crushed-mastic asphalt will be laid.

The municipality noted that Baitik Baatyr Street from Tokombayev Street to Zhibek Zholu Avenue and Akhunbaev Street from Manas Avenue to Zhukeyev-Pudovkin Street will be rehabilitated in several stages.

«Last time rehabilitation works on these streets were carried out in 2001-2003,» the press service emphasized.

In addition, in 2024 it is planned to rehabilitate four more main streets. The works will start in the near future.

The list:

  • Chui Avenue from Manas Avenue to Torekul Aitmatov Street;
  • Gorky Street from Manas Avenue to April 7 Street;
  • Yunusaliev Street from Sukhbaatar Street to Gorky Street;
  • Zhibek Zholu Avenue from Kurmandjan Datka Street to Togolok Moldo Street.

The City Hall apologizes for the inconvenience and asks drivers to plan their route in advance.
