Tragedy in Suzak: Kamchybek Tashiev takes case under personal control

15:51, 03 мая 2024, Bishkek - news agency , Meerimai ALYBEKOVA

Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) Kamchybek Tashiev commented on the tragedy that occurred in Suzak district.

According to him, law enforcement agencies and prosecution agencies conducted an investigation.

«No terrorist attacks or criminal facts, as some media previously mentioned, have been detected. This is negligence and failure to comply with safety measures. Many mistakes were made when organizing the event. Details had to be taken into account. Parking spaces should have been arranged. There was also no need to allow strangers near the children. All these little things turned into a big tragedy,» Kamchybek Tashiev said.

He added that from now on increased attention will be paid to security measures. And those who do not comply will be held accountable.

«The leaders, local authorities and other bodies, whoever it is, if they violate security measures, we will investigate cases and bring to justice. The President has instructed me to take this case under control. On the instructions of the head of state, 200,000 soms were allocated from the presidential fund for each of the injured children in intensive care unit. The others will receive 50,000 soms each. In addition, the doctors will hold a consultation, if there is a need to transport the victims to Bishkek, they will be delivered by airplane,» SCNS Chairman said.

The young manaschi contest in Zherge-Tal village, Suzak district, Jalal-Abad region, ended in tragedy. The event took place on jailoo. Schoolchildren recited excerpts from Manas epic. During the recitation, the schoolchildren were rammed by Hyundai Porter truck. 35 people were injured and 20 are in hospital. The driver was detained.