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Some Bishkek districts to have no cold water on April 4

The supply of drinking water will be temporarily stopped in some areas of Bishkek on April 4. The press service of the City Hall reported.

The reason for the shutdown is repairs at Gagarin and Yugo-Zapadny water intakes and city water supply networks.

Water supply will be suspended from 9 a.m. till midnight. The shutdown area includes Tolstoy, Bakaev, Altymyshev, Dzhunusaliev, Gagarin, Muromskaya, Tsialkovsky, Timur Frunze, Omur, Alykulov, Akhunbaev, Kok-Zhaiyk, Torugart streets, Rabochiy Gorodok, Institute of Agriculture districts, residential areas Ak-Orgo, Ak-Ordo (northern part from Akhunbaev Street), Tenir-Too (below Akhunbaev Street).

Bishkekvodokanal apologizes for the inconvenience and asks organizations and the population to stock up on drinking water in advance.