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Procedure for calculating payments for cars imported from EAEU to change in RF

The procedure for calculating payments for cars imported from the EAEU countries will change in Russia from April 1, 2023. The Government of Russia reported.

It is noted that the decision will create equal conditions for citizens and companies importing into Russia vehicles cleared by customs in the EAEU countries, and those who undergo this procedure in Russia with payment of all necessary taxes and fees.

Underpaid taxes and fees due to understatement of the customs value of cars imported into Russia from the EAEU countries will be included in the recycling fee, which is mandatory for payment by both individuals and legal entities.

It is noted that this approach will help to avoid situations where citizens and companies importing cars cleared by customs in the EAEU countries receive unjustified advantages compared to car owners doing this in Russia and paying the taxes and fees established by law in full.

«The correctness of the calculation of the recycling fee will be monitored by the Federal Customs Service. The assessment of unpaid taxes and fees for subsequent payment as part of the recycling fee will be carried out according to a formula approved by government decree. As for the import of cars with an electric engine from the EAEU countries, the decree provides for a mandatory requirement to carry out the customs clearance procedure in Russia. This measure will ensure payment of the necessary taxes and fees in full,» the resolution says.

Nothing will change for citizens and companies importing cars from EAEU countries with the procedure for customs clearance of vehicles directly in Russia.