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Sadyr Japarov signs decree on establishment of SCNS Academy

Academy of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) named after Lieutenant General Anarbek Bakaev will be established at the premises of the Institute of Professional Retraining and Advanced Training of the SCNS. The corresponding decree was signed by the President Sadyr Japarov on January 30, 2024.

The document was published in Erkin-Too newspaper on February 2, 2024.

The decree states that the decision to establish the SCNS Academy was made to create a unified system of multi-level training of highly qualified specialists, managerial and scientific-pedagogical staff for national security bodies, to expand the research base on issues of ensuring national security of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The SCNS should register the SCNS Academy and approve its charter.

Recall, the capsule at the construction site of the building of the SCNS Academy was laid in March 2022.