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Airport planned to be built in Baytik village

The Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan instructed the Ministry of Emergency Situations to study a site in Baytik village for the possibility of constructing an airport.

The order of the Cabinet dated December 26, 2023 says.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations must conduct aeronautical, meteorological and other necessary studies of the land plot located in Baytik village, Alamedin district, Chui region, with the involvement of competent authorities or organizations.

In addition, Manas International Airport OJSC was instructed to carry out detailed engineering survey work, including engineering geodetic, engineering and geological work. This will make it possible to understand whether the site is suitable for constructing an airport. Manas International Airport OJSC also has to allocate funds for this work and, together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, determine the exact location of the site.