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Kamchybek Tashiev urges to apply to SCNS in case of family violence

The head of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) Kamchybek Tashiev commented on the case in Batken region. He posted his opinion on Facebook.

The head of security services reminded that the fate of the 22-year-old girl, who died after being beaten in Kadamdzhai district, is very sad.

«I would like to appeal to you, ladies and gentlemen! If you have been subjected to violence, immediately contact the SCNS offices located in each district! We are obliged to rescue, protect and help mothers, women and girls,» he posted.

Man strangled his 22-year-old wife during a quarrel right on the street in Batken. The tragedy occurred on January 2 in Irelesh village, Batken region.