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SCNS of Kyrgyzstan develops law on cybersecurity

The State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) submitted the draft law «On Cybersecurity of the Kyrgyz Republic» for public discussion.

As the background statement says, the bill was developed in order to establish the legal basis for a unified cybersecurity system, the purpose of which is to protect the individual, society and the state by ensuring the digital stability of the information infrastructure in the republic.

The state committee noted that existing and potential threats in the field of information security are among the most serious challenges of the 21st century.

«These threats from a wide range of sources are manifested in disruptive actions directed against individuals, businesses, government agencies and the government. Their consequences pose a significant risk to public safety, the security of states and the stability of the globally interconnected international community as a whole,» the background statement says.

The presented bill proposes to consolidate the conceptual apparatus and define the terms «cyber attack», «cybersecurity», «cyber threat» and other terms in this area, and define the subjects of cybersecurity. According to it, the cybersecurity system of the Kyrgyz Republic consists of forces and means to prevent, detect, respond and minimize the consequences of cyber attacks and cyber incidents.

The concept and objects of critical information infrastructure (CII), the criteria and procedure for classifying objects as such, and the list of such objects are also defined. General requirements for ensuring cybersecurity are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, and in the banking and payment systems — by the National Bank.

The SCNS added that cybersecurity laws were adopted in the People’s Republic of China (2017), Ukraine (2017), Estonia (2018), Turkmenistan (2019) and Uzbekistan (2022).