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Deputy Nadira Narmatova awarded title “Excellent Education Worker”

Deputy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, who stands for introduction of the concept of «foreign agent» in Kyrgyzstan, Nadira Narmatova received the badge «Excellent Education Worker.» The photo was posted on Facebook by Nurilya Isakulova.

The award was presented by the Minister of Education and Science Dogdurkul Kendirbayeva. It is noted in the post that the badge was awarded to Narmatova for her significant contribution to the development of education.

The Ministry of Education has not yet commented on the award.

In December 2022, Nadira Narmatova, a member of the pro-government Ata Jurt Kyrgyzstan faction, received the title of Honored Civil Service Worker. It was presented by the president of the country.

On October 25, the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan adopted in the first reading changes to the Law on NGOs and the Criminal Code, initiated by Nadira Narmatova and a group of deputies, which provide for the introduction of the concept of «a foreign representative» (analogue to foreign agent in Russian legislation).

52 deputies voted for the adoption of the document, 7 against.

A petition has been created demanding the introduction of personal sanctions and visa restrictions for deputies promoting the foreign agents law and their close relatives. It was posted on Change.org website.
