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Foreign Agents Law: Supreme Court gives negative conclusion

The Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kyrgyzstan have given negative opinions on the amendments to the Law On NGOs and the Criminal Code, initiated by MP Nadira Narmatova and a group of deputies, which provide for the introduction of the concept of «foreign representative» (analog of a foreign agent in the Russian legislation). MP Ruslanbek Zhakyshov said at a meeting of the parliamentary committee on law and order, combating crime and countering corruption.

According to the Supreme Court, the principle of legal certainty is not observed in the articles of the document. This can lead to ambiguous interpretation, misuse and violation of the general principles of the Constitution.

The Prosecutor General’s Office noted in its opinion: there is no need to introduce new articles into the Criminal Code.

Nadira Narmatova noted that the mentioned bodies gave a different conclusion on the bill after meeting and discussing it with the initiators.

«Both the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General’s Office supported and gave a positive conclusion,» the deputy said.

Earlier, representatives of civil society sent an appeal to the President and deputies of the Parliament, in which they emphasize that the amendments to the laws initiated by Nadira Narmatova contain discriminatory norms that contradict basic democratic principles and, if adopted, will significantly restrict the activities of non-profit organizations, including branches and representative offices of foreign NGOs operating in Kyrgyzstan.

Experts remind: protection of the national state interests of the Kyrgyz Republic is paramount. However, considering NGOs and giving them the status of «foreign representatives» is an erroneous opinion.

Lawyers of Adilet Legal Clinic and Bir Duino Kyrgyzstan human rights movement also stated that the adoption of the scandalous initiatives would lead to the liquidation of the civil sector. Their comments were ignored.

Citizens of Kyrgyzstan are collecting signatures against the law on foreign agents.