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Russian “foreign agents” appeal to deputies of Kyrgyzstan

At least 57 Russian «foreign agents» signed an appeal to the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan urging not to adopt amendments to laws initiated by Nadira Narmatova. Sota Telegram channel reports.

The signatories clarify: the differences between the Kyrgyz norms are that the «agents» will be called «representatives,» and violation of the law will entail a ban on the activities of NGO for six months at once.

As in Russia, no clear criteria are provided for inclusion in the list of «foreign agents».

«We ask not to copy dangerous practices that entail the inevitable destruction of civil society in Kyrgyzstan, and recommend the Parliament to reject the draft law,» the appeal says.

Earlier, representatives of civil society sent an appeal to the President and deputies of the Parliament, in which they emphasize that the amendments to the laws initiated by Nadira Narmatova contain discriminatory norms that contradict basic democratic principles, and if adopted, will significantly limit the activities of non-profit organizations, including branches and representative offices of foreign NGOs operating in Kyrgyzstan.

Experts remind: protection of the national state interests of the Kyrgyz Republic is paramount. However, considering NGOs activity and giving them the status of «foreign representatives» is a mistaken opinion.

Lawyers from Adilet Legal Clinic and Bir Duino Kyrgyzstan human rights movement also stated that the adoption of scandalous initiatives would lead to the liquidation of the civil sector. Their comments were ignored.

Kyrgyzstanis are collecting signatures against the law on foreign agents.