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Akylbek Japarov opens three schools in Aksy district

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Japarov, as part of a working trip to Jalal-Abad region, took part in the opening of three schools and a medical and obstetric center.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers opened schools No. 25 named after K. Alymkulov and No. 56 named after K. Kulnazarov in Aksy district. He noted that 66 million soms were allocated from the republican budget for the construction of a two-story school No. 25, designed for 225 students. At least 44.8 million soms were allocated for school No. 56, designed for 150 students.

Akylbek Japarov emphasized that large-scale construction of educational institutions has begun in the country. In addition, the wages of 360,000 public sector workers have been increased, pensions and social benefits are being increased, internal and bypass roads are being repaired.

«We have set a course for development; there are 2,365 schools in the republic. This year, more than 189,000 children started school, and this rate will only grow. We need to work hard, build schools and kindergartens, create comfortable conditions for the younger generation to receive a quality education. Our children should speak several foreign languages and have certain skills upon graduation,» the head of the Cabinet concluded.

Akylbek Japarov also opened a secondary school No. 64 Dardak-Dobo named after Asanbek Kulubaev and a medical and obstetric center in Aksy district.